Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 35: Yesterday Was Awesome!

A very good friend came over yesterday. She and her family have just moved back to Louisiana after being gone for a year or so and we are sooooo happy they're back. We all hung out and had a good ol' time. Of course, at some point I started talking about my book and she seemed interested. I wasn't sure if she'd be willing but I think it was her that offered to read it and help me refine it (if it was me, I apologize for being a pushy writer, Melissa). 

So, I printed out what I have so far: almost 25,000 words and 86 pages. Boy did that feel good! Just holding that nice chunk of papers and knowing I had created it all was soooo satisfying! I was a little nervous handing them over to her. So far everyone who's read it has liked it but they're all family and they're supposed to tell me its great. I think its in the Constitution somewhere. 

"If a wayward relative asks you to read their first draft, one MUST say it is a best seller for sure."

I really respect her opinion. We read similar things sometimes, but we also have different preferences. 

We also decided to start a book club. I gave her a book to read. Was it mean of me to give her Les Miserables? Its one of my top 5 books, but its really long. I also gave her Anna and the French Kiss in case she wants to break from Les Mis. I have been assigned The Great Gatsby. I read this in high school and hated it. But at the time I'm sure I was more interested in story and plot than the actual beauty of the words. So, I'm going to give it another shot even though I'm writing. I figure Gatsby could only affect my writing in a good way.

She also expressed an interest in writing and said that she had a little something she was working on. This is so exciting for me because I've been dieing to find someone I can get along with who is going through the same thing as I am. Or who is at least interested in what I'm doing. Someone I could talk to in person (I have found a couple of online friends who have been very supportive!).

Anyway, I'm super excited to witness the wrath of your red pen, Melissa. I mean, black pen since you couldn't find a red one, lol!

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